
Hi, I'm Laura Lutz, founder and maker at Borough Home. Scent memories are integral to how I remember people, places and experiences. Born and raised in Hawai'i, the smells of my youth were tangerines and grapefruits from my grandparent's trees, juicy pineapple and the heady fragrance of lei at celebrations. Add a dollop of sunscreen and salty sea air and you get the idea of what my childhood smelled like. Since living in Portland, Oregon for almost 17 years, my Pacific Northwest home smells of rain and evergreens, roses and damp earth.
Firewood in the fall and lilacs in the spring.

Every time I travel, I take a new perfume so the scent immediately transports me back whenever I smell it again--scent is such an important part of our every day lives and so closely tied to memory. Scents paint an olfactory picture of a place and how they make me feel.
Borough Home is my passion--custom blending candle scents to evoke a feeling, a mood or a place. I truly immerse myself in the creative process and try to give you the best scented products on the market. I hope you love our small-batch, hand-poured soy candles and fragrances as much as I enjoy creating them for you.